Here you are SMACK DAB in the middle of all that Holiday Cheer, And YOU, my friend, aren't HAPPY!!!!! YOU are upset. You are upset about the 10 pieces of chocolate you just ate without even thinking about it. You are upset about that chocolate layer cake with double dutch frosting that you aren't going to refuse. You are upset that even though you PROMISED yourself no second helpings on the main meal, you went for THIRDS! So much for my holiday diet plans.
Actually, you are NOT really upset about eating all that stuff. That was the good part. It is the bad part that you are upset about...the health and fitness nightmare...THE GAINING OF WEIGHT. There are actually good reasons not to worry about your holiday diet, particularly if you have been exercising lately. Generally speaking, little changes will not affect your overall weight. The extra time you spend running around completing your to do list, the extra on your feet time standing in line waiting at supermarkets and the post office,
and the extra time you spend getting kids ready for their festivals of good light and good cheer will burn more calories than you think. Did I mention cleaning the house, polishing the silver, putting up the Christmas lights, and shopping, shopping shopping? You never really thought of that did you? Your holiday frenzy is contributing to your calorie burn.
What are the 5 reasons you should not worry about your holiday diet?
1. You look like Scrooge if you do.
2. You bring everyone else down. We've all been there. Please don't bring it up.
3. This is food you never get. These are the dishes food lovers dream about. Who are you to say no to them?
4. There is something you can do.
Make this your credo over Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's Eve. You will not worry about the actual parties and what you consume there. What you will do is to watch carefully your time away from those parties. Have the salad instead of the pizza. Have a burger without the fries. Eat some fish. Hit the gym.
There is one more IMPORTANT thing you need to do. Don't forget this.
You have made a plan...a plan that will work. You should remember the plan. This is where those post it notes come in handy. Put them on your refrigerator and in your desk or bureau drawer (the one you open all the time). Put them near the television set (do some squats as you watch). That should be enough to keep you motivated.
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