The way that body cleansers, or detoxifiers as they are also called, work is to cause you to drink a solution and then follow it with two large glasses of water. You can get the same effect by drinking a glass of green tea and then following it with two glasses of water. You will be going to the bathroom repeatedly and flushing out your system.
Flushing out your system is good for weight loss, but you do not want to overdo it, and you certainly do not want to spend a lot of money on water. If you are interested in this form of weight loss, you can use a detoxifier once every few days that you make yourself. You can add herbal ingredients such as lemon pepper to water and drink it down. But green tea is much more pleasant.
There is such a thing as drinking too much water. You do not want to overload your system with water on a regular basis as it is bad for the kidneys. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses of green tea or water a day to lose weight or maintain weight loss. Drinking too much water can be very trying on the kidneys.
Just like diet pills, body cleansers are sold to the public as the magic way to lose weight without trying. Many of these cleansers are sold to supposedly detoxify the body against toxins and also drugs that you may be taking. You can get the same detoxification from drinking unsweetened liquids and water.
While it can be frustrating when you are trying to lose weight and you may want to reach out to something that will allow you to do this easier, you are wasting your money and your time by purchasing weight loss body cleansing products. Again, there is no “magic” way to lose weight. Taking off 10 pounds will take you 10 days if you follow this healthy regime. It will work and what is more, you will feel healthier. The only thing that will be heavier on you will be your pockets from the money that you saved from falling prey to products that are designed for those with more money than sense.
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