Phen375’s ( phentemin375 ): Increase the body’s fat burning ability • Increase metabolism • Suppress appetite • Average 3lbs to 5lbs weight loss each week.
Defining Overweight and Obesity
What is the difference between overweight and obesity? Are they both just labels for ranges of weight? Short answer (No they are not) lead scientist Taylor who was greatly involved in the development of the phentemin375™ explains the differences and the reasoning behind the phen375 product and its development.
Phen375 goal is for the greater good and education for people wanting to obtain real long term weight loss. Our 1st step is to explain the reasons behind overweight and obesity and what is generally considered healthy for a given height. The terms also identify ranges of weight that have been shown to increase the likelihood of certain diseases and other health problems.
Definitions for Adults
Adults, overweight and obesity ranges are most often determined using weight too height, this allows to specifically calculate a number called the "body mass index" (BMI). What are these BMI calculations used for? For most people, it provides an accurate percentage of muscle and their amount of body fat.
- An adult mail or female who´s BMI is between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. At this weight the reclassified pharmaceutical product Phentermine which was the #1 diet pill every sold can no longer be prescribed. Why under FDA and DEA regulations you have to be classified as Obese. You have to have a BMI over 30. This is why we spent so much effort making a product that you can use effectively without a prescription and is effective.
- An adult that has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. These patients can still receive Phentermine the category 4 narcotic legally from an in person doctors visit. It should be noted that most doctors are now very hesitant to provide category 4 or 5 narcotic prescitpions due to the heavy DEA scrutiny placed upon them.
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